It's hard to believe but this weekend is exactly a year since Dudley made his big move to Chicago!
Lots has changed with the Mr. Dude in the last year. He went through a wicked second fear stage that made him pretty scared of lots of things for a while, but happily I can now report that he seems to be almost entirely over it and strangers are no longer the scary creatures that they were 6 months ago! Fingers crossed it will continue.
He has also learned to play fetch. Like full on chasing, retrieving and delivering back at my feet without even a required 'drop it'. He does this with serious gusto!
He came through shoulder surgery like a champ and even survived the 10 weeks of crate rest without too much complaining.
He got an unexpected second canine sister just a few short months after he arrived. He like to play with her, the other sister is for cuddling.
He goes to daycare every week and he loves to play with other dogs.
In the evening we snuggle on the couch. Sometimes Jason jokes that Dude would crawl inside me if he could to get closer. I adore him.
On the other had it seems like not a lot has changed at all!
He's a little bigger and the couch has lost a lot of its luster from weekly washings, but the essentials are the same:
Izzy and Dudley on 6/13/09

Izzy and Dudley on 6/13/08