Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mabel's Cross-country adventure!

Question: "How do you get a dog from a foster home in Charleston, SC to a foster home in Chicago, IL?"

Answer: "Once again, you rely on the kindness and hardwork of a selfless group of strangers."

For those that don't know here's how it works. Everybody drives about 1 hour, so for Mabel that was 15 different legs on Saturday July 19th and Sunday July 20th, plus one overnight stay at a volunteer's home in Indianapolis, IN.

Michelle and I were worried, very, very worried, that Mabel would freak out with meeting so many new people and being passed off to a new stranger every hour for 15 hours. She, again, surpassed all our expectations and was an absolute treat with everyone that she met. These photos are of her travelling through NC on Saturday.

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